Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Something To Consider:

I received this from someone at work...

I found this kind of interesting.
Never really thought about it from this perspective!
Bitter Irony
This is amazing, and something extremely important to really, really think about!

If Barack Obama applied for a job with the FBI or the Secret Service, he would be disqualified because of his past association with William Ayers, a known terrorist. And yet, he is heading for the highest office in the land.

If Obama is elected President he would not pass the security screening to be his own body guard!

And the greatest irony is that a majority of the people in this country don't even seem to care.
God help us!!! If you agree that this is a serious problem for any candidate, no matter his or her political party, please pass this on. People desperately need to wake up to the dangers our country is being invited to dive into.


You Wanted Change...




Liberalism, as an experiment against common sense, undermines every institution it touches, including financial ones. In the age of political correctness, the conservatism of the banking industry was bound to give way to mindless multiculturalism and Great Society babble. Tried-and-true lending principles were deemed illiberal and imprudent loans became a form of "progress."

Whatever the area that falls under it -- whether it is banking or education -- liberalism's regulatory regime consists of forcing people to adopt ideological goals which defy rationality: banks are told not to insist on such outmoded tests as good credit; schools are told not to insist on good test scores for admission. High standards across the culture have eroded under liberalism. Why not in banking too?

Indeed, given the choice between economic decline and political correctness, liberals always choose the former. To preserve the kangaroo rat, they will cut jobs. To advance faddish global warming theory, they will undercut whole industries. Instead of bemoaning economic decline, they normally interpret it as a measure of enlightenment: that some worthy ideological goal, far more important than money, is slowing business down.

According to the conventional wisdom of the media, the country grows more receptive to liberalism in an economic crisis. Maybe so. But this makes no logical sense, given liberalism's anti-market biases. Entrusting the economy to liberals is like entrusting a cancer ward to Dr. Kevorkian.

Liberalism inveighs against "de-regulation," but it de-regulates too -- as long as the discarded rules are conservative and common-sensical. If destructive deregulation lies behind the banking crisis, it is the deregulation of liberal legislators telling cautious bankers to forget their musty old rules and give bad loans to low-income, poor-credit Americans.

Nancy Pelosi and company cast themselves as the guardians of prudence and critics of libertinism, but liberalism is imprudence writ large and a friend to the capital sins, including greed.

The Great Depression had its Jazz Age; this economic meltdown has its own frivolous culture. It revolves around limousine liberals and left-wing celebrities who toy with theories of progress while the economy implodes and ordinary Americans suffer. Many of the corner-cutting Jay Gatsbys on Wall Street didn't oppose the Democrats' regulations but wrote them, and far from fearing an Obama administration they plan to vote for it.

This crisis exposes not the opposition between big business and big government but its collusion. Derelict bankers just resemble the liberal politicians who oversee them. Earmarking pols treat money cavalierly, then encourage bankers to behave the same, mandating that banks give out loans to people who don't deserve them in the same way Congress doles out pork projects.

Dilettantish environmentalism gave us an energy crisis -- decades of blocked drilling and energy production lest the Sierra Club and Greenpeace get upset. Now progressive banking gives us this mortgage one. And we're told that the solution to these crises produced by liberal regulations is even more of them -- more Great Society-style banking, more "investments" in government debt, more Wall Street-Congress collusion.

The public's suspicion of anything proposed by Congress is well founded. Congress devotes almost all of its time and energy to the appearance, rather than the reality, of solutions. We are witnessing the disintegration of a profoundly unserious political culture in which nobody really knows what they are doing.

Only when a crisis is on top of Congress does any real deliberation take place, and then -- as in the case of renewed oil drilling off coast lines -- the solution is essentially a conservative one, marking a reluctant return to common sense.

The Nation's Pulse
Neither a Borrower Nor Lender Be
By George Neumayr

Published 10/1/2008 12:08:30 AM

HAIL the Health Czar!

I was just listening to Don & Roma (890AM) and almost lost it. ... laughing. Don is explaining the actual job description of this guy (Tom Daschle) - it will be told to the lay people that he is the "Czar of Health CHOICES"... what isn't going to made clear is that these choices are going to be VERY limited... for example... if you are diagnosed with cancer and there are several treatments available, this guy is going to tell you which ones you can choose from.


Don reads an article to further emphasize this point... Obama creates a job called the "Cookie Czar" ... and this guy is like "I HAVE FREE COOKIES!" and you are so excited and run to this guy and say "I WANT FREE COOKIES!" - well, he says to you ... "Oatmeal or Peanut Butter?" to which you reply "Well, I want chocolate chip"... He says "Oatmeal OR Peanut Butter." You say "I've tried Oatmeal and Peanut Butter, I want Chocolate Chip!" He says "Oatmeal or Peanut Butter"... so you die.

To FURTHER emphasize the point... he breaks off into a Hiltleresk-type speech "Hail Health Czar! All knowing and Choice master!" ... (Hitler) says "You have TWOOOO choices, PLAN A ORRRRRR PLAN B!"... "you might say "these look the SAME!... but the are NOT! they are DIFFERENT... one is plan A and the other plan B!"

Well it's time you meet the man who will decide how you, your children, and your family will be healed: the Almighty Daschle... and no Czar would be complete without a Supreme Ruler side-kick!... so here is your new Healthcare team! Congrats.

... maybe after he decides your fate he might want to grab a cup of coffee and actually meet you!? ... probably not.